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debugger-icon_64.pngLadiaci nástroj

Nastavenia:~/config/settings/Debugger settings

Ladiaci nástroj je aplikácia, ktorú bežný užívateľ veľmi nevyužije. Je to určená pre vývojárov, aby mohli skúmať chyby v programoch. Niekedy majú tieto chyby za následok haváriu a pri nej aj koncoví používatelia prídu do styku s ladiacim nástrojom. Keď program havaruje, uvidíte toto upozornenie:


Dáva vám tri možnosti ako môžete na haváriu zareagovať:

The default action when a crash happens can be configured with a text file ~/config/settings/system/debug_server/settings.
The file takes on a driver_settings style format as follows:

default_action user

executable_actions {
	app1 log
	/path/app2* debug

Valid values for a default_action are:

userPrompt the user for action.
killSilently terminate the crashing team.
debugAttach the debugger to the crashing team.
log / reportSave a crash report and terminate the team.
coreSave a (possibly very large) core file and terminate the team.

If no default_action is specified, "user" is assumed.

The executable_actions subsection contains individual overrides of the default. These take the form above, where the individual lines can be only a team name, or a path, with wildcards.

Popis práce so samotným ladiacim nástrojom je mimo zameranie tohto sprievodcu, ktorý popisuje potreby bežného používateľa Haiku. Pre úplnosť, tu je okno, ktoré uvidíte ak vo vyššie uvedenom upozornení zvolíte možnosť Ladiť:


As you'll quickly see when you start poking around a bit, the Debugger is one of the most complex and sophisticated applications for Haiku. If you're a developer and are used to graphical debuggers on other platforms, many features will be familiar to you.

Below are a few links that may shed some light on the intricacies of Haiku's Debugger. If you have a specific question, you may want to consider posting it on the development mailing list. If you find more useful resources, please file a bugreport with that info.

Debugger Reference ManualThis is the most in-depth source on how to work with the Debugger.
Príspevky na blogu There are a few articles on the Debugger, mostly by Rene Gollent after implementing a new feature.
Video z BeGeistert 026 A video from the BeGeistert meeting in 2012, in which Ingo Weinhold demonstrates the state of the Debugger back then and shows other interesting tools like the profiler to hunt down bottlenecks.